Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lets Rodeo

This morning  we shot some upcoming rodeo segments and I seriously cannot beleive rodeo will be here in a few shorts weeks.    How can you not love the rodeo?   Where else on earth can you see 4 and 5 yr old kids riding sheeps (Mutton Bustin), REAL cowboys,  great performers (for very little money),  buy anything fried under the sun including oreos and twinkies-  all while millions are going to youth scholarships?

Its unheard of.    I can remember as a kid growing up in Houston going out each February and buying a new pair of pink cowgirl boots,  then as a teenager hanging around the World Championship BBQ (my parents were on a cooking team).  As I grew into my 20's   hitting the Country Western Bars along Richmond during rodeo time but I have to say now is my favorite time to attend the shows and be part of the GREATEST show on Earth!

I have been on the BBQ publicity committee for 12 years and I appreciate the friendships formed from either freezing, sweating or getting drenched in rain showers- while on your shift.   The other thing that makes Rodeo Houston so special is that is does not matter if you are the President of a huge Oil & Gas company or dig ditches for a living- if you want to serve and volunteer- everyone is equal on the rodeo dirt.

So if you are looking for some way to give back to the community- look at volunteering at the rodeo-youll be helping a student reach their dreams to attend school and I can promise you - you will have the best time!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What a Dream

Today I attended a luncheon for American Women in Radio and Televison.   I use to be a member and was even Past President of the organization when I was 28.     I joined the organization at 23 just starting out in the business to meet people and get an understanding of the Houston media.     It is a wonderful organization... but back to  today.
I went to the luncheon with Cynthia Hougardy whom is our GSM here at Channel 55- and Ive known her since way back when we were BOTH in our early 20's and members of AWRT so it was simply fun for us to think back and giggle about the good 'ole days!

It was  fun to see old friends today, old mentors, as well as new fresh, young and bright up and coming Media Stars of Houston.     It really reminded me the importance of  mentoring young professionals.   I had so many wonderful people around me cheering for me, helping me, teaching me and supporting me.   

If Broadcast Televison is in your blood (like it is mine from an early age)  dont give up!   I pinch myself everyday that I am living my dream and loving what i do!   And whatever you do- find  someone to mentor.....it will change their life forever and possibly your's too!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Crazy Laberdoodle

Well this morning I took my crazy Laberdoodle to Pup Scouts for training.   He is in a two week training course to learn manners- yes, there is such a thing as doggie manners!       I hope I dont get a larger bill when they see how hyper he is!   
Now at dinner hopefully he wont beg for table scraps, or jump on guests as they visit (except for a burgular) or take me for a walk when I have him on his leash!
Now if only Pup Scouts will take my kids!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New year, new you

Well it's day six of the new Year and while my intentions are always good, I have to say I’m sitting here typing my Lara’s Life Blog with a full belly. We are not taking about a belly filled with fruits, fresh cut veggies and a cup of yogurt -- we're talking a belly full of 2 chili-cheese Coney Island hot dogs.

I promised I wasn’t going to do it this year. I was not going to break my resolution to eat healthy for AT LEAST two weeks. Anyone can keep a resolution for two weeks right? Well I guess I’m not anyone.
Why do we come up with these resolutions anyways? I told my daughter Dylan my 2011 resolution was going to be eating healthy and saving more money. She said “Those are dumb resolutions." Maybe she is right, and next year my resolution will be to not make dumb resolutions!